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Skirting around issues/topics.


No skirting around issues that arise. Leave if you are uncomfortable, and feel free to come back in 5-10 minutes. We do not accommodate the overly sensitive or unfortunately triggered, because the real world doesn't do that. We act here how we have always acted, online and off.

You have the ability to remove yourself from the discussion. Nobody is forcing you to read it or listen to it. If several people are discussing something, they are not going to change the topic to accommodate one person. Other chatters may stop talking about the topic if they wish, but they have no right to discourage others from doing so or mention it in chat.

It is not up to you to tell anyone what not to talk about. It is up to the streamer, and anyone with a sword. Excluding Brian.

We are not responsible for your triggers,  you are.


Just don't do it. It's common sense for decent people at this point.




Due to the pathetic double standards of your society, this one is not common sense or common decency. Hell, many people don't even know what misandry is. 

Misandry is discriminating against or disparaging men based on their gender.


We are not those pushover men who will laugh and say "haha yes men are trash" with you. Keep your "men are trash" spews for the hypocritical hole of your home and your stream. You are a vile cunt if you think it's okay to say "men are trash" when you would be OUTRAGED at anyone saying it about women or any other identity.

It is unacceptable, not equality, and it is evil. Sex and/or gender is not a basis to hate a group of people, whether a large or small portion of them have been hateful or hurtful in the past.

You do not punish all for the actions of many, or punish many for the actions of few.



I believe the kids call this "flexing."

Your degree does not make you special.

Being young does not make you special.

Being older than someone does not make you special.

Having certain jobs does not make you special.

Age, social status, relationship status, current/past employment and education do not matter.

A person's experiences that led them to a certain believe or way of life matters. That is all that matters. They may be wrong if it's a fact-based thing, and then you can one-up them if you know the confirmed truth.

Otherwise, keep your mouth shut and keep your fingers off the keys. You are not special for having/being whatever you have/are.

Stereotyping/assumptions based on your perception of a person.


"Oh, you seem younger."

"I would've NEVER known you were gay."

"I thought you were transgender, you sound like a..."

"But you ACT like you're..."

Just get out. Don't do this. You have no idea how much this can impact people and make them insecure and paranoid about how they act or come across.

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