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Ask for free services.


We have a select few people we create for, for free. You will not be one of them. No not even try.

Self promote.

No self promotion, unless the streamer knows you. Strangers and/or newer arrivals will be timed out upon self promotion. Repeat instances result in a ban.

Tell us we should be boycotting a game, medium or person.


This subject has been discussed and agreed upon by all the system's streamers.

We do not care if you think we should be boycotting something. It will make no impact in the grand scheme of things, unless millions of people are doing it, or it's for a small and easily impacted cause.

We do not care what SJWs think. Fuck off.

We will do, use and play what we want. It is not hurting you. It is not hurting a group of people unless it's taking something or doing something directly palpable to them in the moment we are doing it. 

News flash. Most of the world doesn't fucking care about the thing you are boycotting or whining about. Neither do we.

Show support of JK Rowling's views.


Don't show support for her views.

Here, we separate work from the creator. And while we acknowledge flaws and biases laced throughout the work, we do not discuss it to death or whine continuously. We do not being it up every time we have the initial statement.

But JK Rowling has some severely damaging views. If you support them, or her as a person, you are not welcome here.

If you are a fan or supporter of her creations or writing style, it's another matter. You are welcome to discuss it and enjoy it here. Nobody will judge you for it.

You're also welcome to discuss how much of a cunt she's revealed herself to be.

Support abusers and bad people.


Like with the JK Rowling thing, it's fine if you enjoy the creations of abusers and bad people. Several system members enjoy Tim Burton (a racist) movies. Two of us enjoy cover songs by Mark Salling (convicted for possession of child pornography). One of us enjoys one Chris Brown (domestic abuser) song.

The person is not their work, and we do not praise the people themselves--only their abilities or creations. And, we avoid discussing it at the best of times.

Abusers and bad people include:

  • ___ist people.

  • ___phobic people.

  • Rapists.

  • Emotional and physical abusers.

  • Domestic abusers.

  • Groomers--NOTE, grooming does NOT include wide age gap relationships in early adulthood. It covers adults who groomed minors and started a relationship when the minor turned 18.

  • Thieves who steal from anything that is not a big corporation that underpays and overcharges.

  • People who drug people without their consent.

  • People who make false rape/assault accusations which yes, is far more common than you think--or at least, the threat of it is.

  • People who blame the victim.

  • Rape or abuse apologists.

Argue with the streamer.


DO NOT ARGUE WITH THE STREAMER. While you are here, you follow our rules. You do not argue with, or correct, the streamer--unless the streamer makes an innocent mistake.

You do not correct the streamer's opinion. We've had decades to discuss and form opinions that most of the system agrees on. They are all logic-based opinions that you do not get to dispute.

Furthermore, if the streamer says they don't care about someone or something, you don't get to say "you should" or state that it's a privilege to not care. It is not a privilege, it is a choice. The very nature of the conversation denotes there is no privilege there as it still comes up, and you won't shut up about it.

Choosing to ignore something is not a choice. Anyone can choose to ignore and not care about any topic. It does not mean they are not impacted by it. It means they refuse to discuss it publicly because they can deal with it privately and ignore it publicly. It may seem shocking, but GASP! People can FUCKING DO THAT!!!

So you never get to say it is a privilege, or that the streamer "should" care about something. No, they shouldn't. If it does not impact their emotions, they do not have to care. Even if it's an issue that impacts them, they do not have to care.

It is not up to you to decide who cares about what, unless the logic is flawed. Kindly fuck off.

Imply the internet is not the real world.


The friendships and relationships you forge online are real, and can be more meaningful than anything offline, or equally so.

People meet their partners online all the time, and many stay long-distance for a decade or more, only speaking online.

Are you here right now? Yes.

Is this a real place with real people and you are having a real experience? Yes.

This is the real world.

And that is why we treat our channel and creations as such. Because we have always lived like this, in the "real world."

Direct message/whisper.


Do not direct message or whisper the streamer unless given permission, or the streamer knows you well. Knows you well = has visited your streams, you've been a regular here for several months, or the streamer knows you from other peoples' chats.

Do not message anyone in chat, with the same exceptions as above.

Compliment the streamer's physical appearance or voice or accent.


This is not what they actually look like, or sound like, despite costuming and the automatic tendency for system members to pick up voices and voice traits from their introject sources.

And complimenting accents is pointless because most of the system can change theirs at will, anyway.

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