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"Your alters."


Nobody owns anybody else. Nobody is anybody's alters here. And we dislike the word "alters" as it is. We use "system members."

Do not push fusion.

Look, man, we healed years ago using functional multiplicity. Fusion isn't even possible for us. Just fuck OFF, man.

Do not imply we are all the same person.


Although many systems experience alters/system members as "parts" of one person, and the initial diagnostic criteria states similar, this is not the experience for dozens of systems we've encountered.


Some systems develop as parts who are more like parts of one person. Others develop as completely separate people who could not be parts of one person of they tried. 

Read more on that here. (to be published)

Don't romanticize DID.


You need severe childhood trauma to develop DID and some systems never heal. Do not imply you want it.

Don't ask certain system members to come out.


They probably won't. But, we can pass on a message during or after stream for you. As a functionally healed system, we have that ability. And many systems who aren't as functional as us have part of that ability, too.

Don't discredit inner world experiences.


Our inner world experiences shaped every element of our outside live, past and present. They are ongoing lives that we lead, intertwined. They cannot and will not end--we have tried. We cannot control our inner lives or experiences, we can't influence them, we've tried. Trust me, we've tried. 

For years.

The person writing this is now breathing unevenly, and would likely have teary eyes if it weren't for dry-eye. Let's drop it.

DO ask any questions you have.


There's no guarantee you'll get an answer, but it doesn't hurt to try. We welcome questions from genuinely curious people, no matter how invasive or weird. We'll let you know if you cross a line. You will not be penalized for it.

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